Nutritional prospective of Sesbania species: an underutilized wild legume from Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India
Sesbania grandiflora, Sesbania bispinosa, nutritional and antinutrional analysisAbstract
Nutrition plays very important role in longevity of life. Processed food has created various health disorders at a very alarming rate. Wild genotypes have potent nutritive characteristics which are relatively less explored. In the current investigation, two species of Sesbania were evaluated for their potent nutritional value. Sesbania grandiflora and Sesbania bispinosa seeds contained 37.78% and 30.2% crude proteins, 4.24% and 2.06% albumins, 7.20% and 5.16% globulins, 1.75% and 8.34% free amino acids, 34.91% and 59.08% total carbohydrates and 5.2% and 5.02% total lipids respectively. DPPH Radical scavenging assay revealed notable antioxidant potential with 62.27% and 65.45% inhibition respectively. Antinutrient analysis indicated the presence of total free phenols (0.29% and 0.63%), tannins (0.28% and 0.34%), phytic acid (1.70% and 1.59%) and trypsin inhibitor activity (41.8 and 54.4 TIU/mg) respectively. Both Sesbania species had excellent nutritional potential as well as antioxidant activity and a low antinutrient profile. Based on the findings, Sesbania species may be investigated further as a potential alternative food source in the near future, particularly in economically disadvantaged areas, and may pave the way toward the wider aim of food security.
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