Improvement of technological methods of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) growing in the Vinnytsia region
switchgrass, plant height, row spacing, yield, dry biomass, number of stemsAbstract
Cultivation of switchgrass, development and improvement of technological methods and optimized cultivation technology will ensure the reduction of energy dependence of Ukraine, which will generally affect the improvement of the economy and the welfare of the population. It determines the priority and the relevance of the research. The article presents a solution to an important scientific problem - increasing the yield of switchgrass by establishing optimal technological methods of cultivation. The yield of dry biomass of switchgrass is directly dependent on the row spacing, with an increase in the row spacing, the yield increases. Plant height is inversely related to row spacing in turn. The highest values of plant height were established with narrowed row spacing from 30 to 15 cm. However, the height of plants, according to the results of our research, does not play a decisive role in shaping the level of productivity of switchgrass. The row spacing is of decisive importance. In the case of cultivation of varieties studied for a row spacing of 15 and 30 cm, a significantly lower dry biomass yield was obtained compared to a row spacing of 45 cm. The highest yield of dry biomass was obtained in the experimental treatments, where row spacing was 45 cm for both Cave-in-Rock and Carthage (Keiv-in-rok Kartadzh) switchgrass respectively, the average yields for the growing season were 14.1 t/ha and 11.7 t/ha. The highest productivity of dry biomass of rod-shaped millet was obtained in the study, which used variant pre-sowing cultivation and pre- and post-sowing coating, which ensured better moisture supply in the upper seed layer of the bases for rod-shaped millet plants and was reflected in the better development of plants in the second to sixth year of vegetation in the variety Cave-in-Rock – 13.9 t/ha, and in the Carthage variety – 12.2 t/ha.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Yuri BRANITSKYI, Natalia TELEKALO, Ihor Kupchuk, Olexandr MAZUR, Oleksii ALIEKSIEIEV, Yuliia OKHOTA, Olena MAZUR

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