Efficiency of Biologized Fertilizer System in Organic Buckwheat Production
buckwheat, weediness, organic production, organic fertilizer-biostimulant, yieldAbstract
The article highlights the expediency of growing buckwheat, which meets the basic requirements of organic production, reducing the anthropogenic burden on the environment, preserving and increasing soil fertility. The introduction of organic buckwheat cultivation technology is relevant in modern economic conditions, which contributes to the restoration of agroecosystems and ensures the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products. According to the results of the conducted researches, the regularities of formation of buckwheat seed productivity in organic production were determined. The use of organic fertilizer-biostimulant Vermimag for buckwheat seed treatment and foliar feeding of plants helps to reduce weed infestation of crops, increase yields and increase the economic efficiency of organic buckwheat cultivation technology.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Olha Dutchak, Halyna Kunychak, Uliana Karbivska, Volodymyr Sendetskyi, Volodymyr Matviiets

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.