The Effect of Biostimulants on the Selected Parameters of Seed Germination of Genus Festuca
brown seaweed, fescue, germinability, biostimulant, huminesAbstract
In the laboratory experiments with selected grass species of the genus Festuca (F.) was evaluated the effect of 3 supporting preparations (plant growth stimulant, preparation with humic substances and extract from brown seaweed) on the germination process. There were evaluated total germination at the end of the experiment, the rate of germination and the mean germination time (MGT) in this experiment. Plant growth stimulant (F. pallens +7.21% and F. rubra +6.76% compared to control) and extract from brown seaweed (F. filiformis +28.09%, F. pallens +30.93% and F. rubra +17.07% and F. arundinacea +1.45% compared to control) showed stimulating effect on total germination from all used preparations. The effect was statistically significant (p = 0.0246). Those preparations can be evaluated positively in terms of their effect on the rate of germination, which at F. filiformis increased by approximately 0.34 to 0.36, at F. rubra 0.05 to 0.14 and at F. arundinacea 0.04 to 0.11 compared to control. For acceleration of the germination of F. pallens (+0.39 worked only plant growth stimulant. The values of mean germination time showed a shortened germination period after use of extract from brown seaweed at F. filiformis (-0.77 days), F. pallens (-0.26 days) and F. rubra (-0.41 days), preparation with humic substances at F. filiformis (-0.13 days) and plant growth stimulant at F. pallens (-0.02 days) and F. rubra (-0.14 days).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Kovár, Luboš Vozár, Peter Hric

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