Eggshell Microbiota of Eggs from Three Different Laying Hen Rearing Systems
total count of bacteria, coliform bacteria, eggs surface, identification of microorganismsAbstract
Penetration of microorganisms is likely to be affected by microbial contamination. The aim of this study was to compare bacterial contamination of eggshell in deep litter, enriched cages and ordinary aviaries. It was investigated how the housing system affected the eggshell‘s early bacterial infection. There were eight extended experiments conducted. Periodically, the total count of bacteria, coliform bacteria, and Salmonella spp. were used to measure the level of bacterial contamination in eggshells found in aviaries, deep litter, and enriched cages. We log-transformed the results. Compared to enriched cage systems, the total number of bacteria contaminating eggs from the deep litter was higher. After 21 days, the second instance of microbial contamination was examined. Day 0 of every experiment showed the highest overall count of bacteria. Microbial species were identified using MALDI TOF MS Biotyper mass spectrometry. The two most isolated species across all housing systems were Ralstonia pikettii and Staphylococcus equorum.
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