Effect of tillage systems on the quality of different soil types


  • Nora Pollakova Slovak University of Agriculture
  • Elżbieta Wójcik-Gront Department of Biometry, Institute of Agriculture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • Jerzy Jonczak Department of Soil Environment Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • Martin Juriga Institute of Agronomic Sciences, FAFR, Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia


available water capacity, air-filled porosity, bulk density, soil organic matter, tillage technology


The tillage technology used can influence the soil quality positively or negatively. The aim of this work was to compare the impact of reduced (RT) and conventional (CT) tillage technologies on selected physical and chemical properties of Mollic Fluvisol, Chernozem, and Haplic Luvisol. Differences in the properties of soils treated with RT and CT were investigated at fifteen sites to a depth of 40 cm. The results showed that in Mollic Fluvisol, which naturally has higher soil organic matter (SOM) content, changing the tillage system from CT to RT caused minimal negative changes in soil properties, including a significant increase in bulk density (rd), a decrease in available water capacity (QP) and hot water soluble carbon (CHWL); in contrast, the change in tillage system was positively reflected in a statistically significant increase in total organic carbon (Cox) and degree of humification. For Chernozem and Haplic Luvisol, which naturally have medium to low SOM content, changing tillage from CT to RT resulted in a significant decrease in CHWL content and degree of humification. All physical parameters assessed were significantly deteriorated (there was an increase in rd and wilting point, a significant decrease in air-filled porosity and QP. There was no significant improvement in any of the soil properties studied. It can be concluded that the CT system is more suitable for Chernozem and Haplic Luvisol tillage than the RT system. In Mollic Fluvisol, the RT system is more or less equally suitable for tillage as the CT system.

Author Biographies

  • Elżbieta Wójcik-Gront, Department of Biometry, Institute of Agriculture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

    Department of Biometry, Institute of Agriculture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

  • Jerzy Jonczak , Department of Soil Environment Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

    Department of Soil Environment Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

  • Martin Juriga, Institute of Agronomic Sciences, FAFR, Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia

    Institute of Agronomic Sciences, FAFR, Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia


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Plant Science