Aspects of the production process of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) depending on the year and different cultivation technology
sunflower, production, hybrid, yield, oil contentAbstract
The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the impact of the year and different cultivation technologies on the yield and oil content of selected sunflower hybrids. The experiment was carried out in the years 2019 – 2020 in the fields of the Research Centre for Plant Biology and Ecology in Nitra – Dolná Malanta. Statistical analysis of experimental results confirmed the high significant influence of the year on selected quantitative and qualitative parameters of the sunflower. The year 2019 was statistically high significantly more effective for seed yield (increase by 0.37 t.ha-1). In 2020 was confirmed a statistically high significant higher oil content by 0.87%. The evaluation of the genetic potential of selected hybrids confirmed a statistically high significant effect on the yield and oil content of sunflower. Within the monitored years, the average seed yield was 3.47 t.ha-1and the average oil content was 46.22%. In the range of monitored hybrids, within the individual types of cultivation technology, the highest average seed yields and oil content were recorded for the Clearfield Plus technology. The best values were achieved by the SY Bacardi hybrid with a seed yield of 4.10 t.ha-1(+ 0.63 t.ha-1; rel. 18.29%) and with an oil content of 48.50% (+ 2.28%). The highest seed yield in conventional technology achieved SY Chronos hybrid 3.63 t.ha-1(+ 0.16 t.ha-1; rel. 4.69%) and the highest oil content achieved SY Duomo hybrid 47.34% (+ 1.13%). The highest yield in Express Sun technology recorded NX 92251 hybrid 3.56 t.ha-1(+ 0.10 t.ha-1; rel. 2.76%). And the highest oil content was by Suffix hybrid 45.91% (- 0.31%).
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