Changes in Anthropometric Parameters Due to the Consumption of Full-Fat Sheep's Milk Yogurt Depending on Visceral Fat Area
visceral fat, anthropometric, obesity, health, yogurt, sheepAbstract
Yogurt is considered a functional food, either in terms of the content of specific nutrients or thanks to its probiotic and other health-promoting properties. The aim of the work was to assess changes in selected anthropometric parameters related to the risk of obesity after six weeks of consumption of full-fat yogurt made from sheep's milk, depending on the pre-intervention visceral fat area (under or over 100 cm2) in twenty female participants. Significant differences were found between the groups in all anthropometric parameters (P <0.05). The group of women with over-limit values of VFA had higher values of all parameters. However, pre-post intervention differences and changes within groups were non-significant (P >0.05). We found that the consumption of full-fat yogurt did not significantly affect the body composition of either consumer with optimal values of visceral fat area or participants with above-limit values of visceral adipose tissue. No worsening of the monitored parameters was confirmed in any of the groups. In this context, we can recommend the consumption of yogurt with a natural fat content and made from sheep's milk for moderate consumption to all types of consumers.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Martina Gažarová, Jana Kopčeková, Petra Lenártová, Róbert Toman

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