Basic chemical composition analysis of farmed Common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L.) venison


  • Peter Šmehýl Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic
  • Martina Gondeková Animal Production Research Center Nitra, Slovak Republic


Common pheasant, venison, nutrients content


The high dietetic value of common pheasant venison is revealed in many researches. The aim of that paper was to evaluate the basic chemical composition of farmed pheasant venison. Protein, collagen, fat and water content in skinned meat of both sexes were subjected to analyses. Different body portion as breast muscle and leg muscle were compared as well. FoodScan LAB Analyzer was used to determine the evaluated meat traits. Significantly higher content of collagen and fat was observed in leg meat, comparing to breast portion due to the structure of meat. Contrary, expressive differences were detected in content of protein and water, with significantly higher values in breast portion. The cock´s meat shows higher content of collagen and water comparing to hen´s meat while hens show higher content of fat. The content of protein shows only small differences between sexes.

Keywords: Common pheasant, venison, nutrients content






Animal Science