Evaluation of concentrations of inorganic forms of nitrogen in the Bocegaj watercourse and Kolínany pond
water, brook, nitrate, ammonium, nitrite nitrogenAbstract
The aim of the study was to determine concentrations of inorganic forms of nitrogen (N-NO3-, N-NH4+, N-NO2-) in the Bocegaj creek and Kolínany pond, the impact of the wastewater treatment plant on the water quality in the pond, to identify the sources of pollution in the creek during the year of 2014. Water sampling was carried out at regular monthly intervals periodically from January to October, from six sampling points. During the time horizon, all four seasons alternated, which was also reflected in the change of the concentrations of individual forms of nitrogen. It was found that the water in the Kolínany pond did not meet the recommended value (N-NH4+, N-NO2-) and the limit value (N-NH4+) specified by the government regulation of national low. The main source of pollution was insufficiently purified water discharged from the Kolínany wastewater treatment plant.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mária Babošová, Jana Ivanič-Porhajášová, Patrícia Babčanová, Samira Shayanmehr, Andrej Seman

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