Genetic parameters for growth traits of Charolais and Limousine cattle breeds
birth weight, , weaning weight, genetic parameters, meat breedsAbstract
The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for the birth weight and weaning weight in Charolais and Limousine cattle breeds. In this study was used the records from 2018 calves from Charolais breed and 2099 calves from Limousine breed for the birth weight while for weaning weight the records were from 1125 calves Charolais and 1092 calves Limousine. The genetic parameters were estimated with maternal animal model. The data were from Romanian Breeding Association for beef cattle. The direct heritability of birth weight and weaning weight were 0.67 and 0.35 for Charolais breed while for Limousine breed were 0.70 and 0.69. The maternal heritability of birth weight and weaning weight were 0.26 and 0.12 for Charolais and 0.245, 0.249 respectively for Limousine breed. The total heritability for birth weight and weaning weight was high in Charolais and Limousine breeds. Direct-maternal correlations were negative for birth weight (-0.340) for Charolais and (-0.311) for Limousine and for weaning weight (-0.306) for Charolais and (-0.290) for Limousine.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rodica Ștefania Pelmuș, Horia Grosu, Mircea Catalin Rotar, Mihail Alexandru Gras, Cristina Van

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