The relationship between claw diseases of dairy cows and the protein and urea content of the milk

Pavel Slovák, Vladimír Hisira, Paulína Marčeková, Pavol Mudroň


Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the claw diseases of dairy cows on the protein and urea content in milk. The study was conducted on 198 dairy cows, half of which was lame. Animals were divided into three groups according to their current phase of lactation. The cause of lameness was diagnosed in the claw crush. Milk samples were taken from all animals and the protein and urea content were determined. The content of protein and urea in milk of the lame cows in the first phase of lactation was reduced by 9.55 % and 29.9 %, respectively. Lame cows in the second phase of lactation had milk and urea content reduced by 6.94 % and 18.9 %, respectively. The cows in the third phase of lactation had content of milk protein and urea decreased by 10.3 % and 18 %, respectively. These results point to the fact that painful claw diseases affect the protein and urea content of milk.

Keywords: claw diseases, dairy cattle, milk, protein, urea



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