Evaluation of the hygienic condition of the slaughterhouse

Mária Vargová, Naďa Sasáková, Katarína Veszelits Laktičová, František Zigo


Article Details: Received: 2020-10-06 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31


The food industry has an important role in the prevention of food borne illnesses. Contamination of food can occur in any stage of the production, storage and distribution. An essential part of keeping the products safe is food hygiene. The production process is complicated, changing the processes of production, preparation, and distribution, means there is more room for doubt about the hygienic status of the food. Slaughterhouses are primary production sites and their general hygiene requirements are set out in Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 and the commission regulation (EC) No 2023/2006. These regulations include the minimum rules for cleaning and sanitation of the production sites and requirements for education and training of personnel. Regulations must be followed by all businesses that produce food of animal origin. All levels of the production must operate under hygienic conditions in accordance with above mentioned regulations.The objective of this study was to determine the hygienic level of evaluated surfaces – stunning box, shower wall, floor and lift by microbiological swabs from room, where was perform slaughtering and bleeding. Microbiological swabs were taken before process of slaughtering and bleeding, during process and after disinfection. The swabs were taken from evaluated areas of 10 x 10 cm. The sampled areas were wiped by sterile cotton swabs, the swabs were placed in a sterile tube containing 10 ml of sterile saline solution. From this mixture 0.1 ml was applied to the different agar plates Meat peptone agar, Endo agar, Sabouraud agar. For disinfection of monitored surfaces in slaughterhouse was used disinfectant Virkon S in a 1 % concentration which was effective on all monitored surfaces which was confirmed by statistical analysis. In conclusion, effective disinfection performed by suitable disinfectant in slaughterhouse is essential because it help to prevent the spread of many microorganisms which could cause seriuos consequences on health status of animal and human.


Keywords: microbiological swabs, disinfection, Virkon S, slaughterhouse, hygienic condition


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