Energy content of hybrid Rumex patienta L. x Rumex tianschanicus A. Los. (Rumex OK 2) samples from autumn months

Michal Rolinec, Dzhamal Rakhmetov, Daniel Bíro, Miroslav Juráček, Milan Šimko, Branislav Gálik, Ondrej Hanušovský


Received: 2018-01-30 | Accepted: 2018-02-26 | Available online: 2018-03-31

Aim of this experiment was to determine the gross energy concentration of fresh, wilted and ensiled hybrid of Rumex patientia L. x Rumex tianschanicus A. Los. (Rumex OK 2). Samples were collected in autumn months of the year 2017. The plant of Rumex OK 2 consist during autumn months only from rosette of leaves. The height of leaves was in autumn months following, September 56.68±13.80 cm; October 59.29±11.93 cm and November 55.98±10.80 cm. Rumex OK 2 silage was made from wilted matter, with or without of addition of dried molasses. Gross energy was determined as the heat released after combustion of a sample (Leco AC 500) in MJ per kilogram of dry matter of the sample. By the autumn months the concentration of dry matter, as well as the concentration of gross energy increased, except Rumex OK 2 silage from November. The highest concentration of gross energy had wilted Rumex OK 2 from November (18.02 of dry matter). There was no significant effect of addition of dried molasses to wilted Rumex OK 2 before ensiling on gross energy concentration in Rumex OK 2 silages (P>0.05). Gross energy concentration of all types of analysed samples had relative high value (16.98 to 18.02 of dry matter). Fresh or ensiled Rumex OK 2 can be used as a part of feed ratio for ruminants or can be utilised in biogas station. However, due to the low content of dry mater in fresh or wilted material the production of silage can be in autumn months problematic.

Keywords: Rumex OK 2, silage, gross energy, dry matter


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