Stabilization of water-stable aggregates under forest and agricultural soils

Vladimír Šimanský, Nora Polláková, Ľubica Pospíšilová, Jerzy Jonczak, Agnieszka Parzych


Received: 2016-07-09 | Accepted: 2016-10-13 | Available online: 2017-09-30

Stability of soil aggregates was studied in forest and agricultural soils classified as: Cambisols, Luvisols and Chernozems, where we evaluated: (i) the differences in water-stable aggregates (WSA) with dependence on soil types and land use, (ii) the relationships between soil organic carbon (SOC), labile carbon (CL), soil texture and individual size classes of WSA, and (iii) the relationships between SOC, CL and soil textural fractions within WSA. When all soils were evaluated together, our results showed statistically significant linear relationships between water-stable micro-aggregates (WSAmi), water-stable macro-aggregates (WSAma) >1 mm and content of SOC. The content of SOC in WSAma have been in positive linear dependence with individual size classes of WSAma 1-5 mm. Higher humus quality positively influenced the stability of WSAma>5 mm. In forest soils we determined higher contents of WSAma than WSAmi in comparison to agricultural soils. A higher content of CL in WSAmi had a positive effect on stabilization of WSAmi in forest soils. In agricultural soils, the fraction of coarse sand was more represented in WSAma >1 mm. In forest soils, higher contents of fine sand and coarse silt resulted in higher contents of WSAma 0.25-3 mm.

Keywords: soil organic matter, soil texture, aggregate stability, forest soil


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