Diversity of small terrestrial mammals under different organic farming management in Mediterranean and Continental agriculture ecosystems

Michaela Kalivodová, Róbert Kanka, Artemi Cerda


Received: 2021-01-12 | Accepted: 2021-04-14 | Available online: 2021-12-31


With climate changes, soil-pollution and degradation, organic farming is communicated much more often. That is why more research about impact of organic farming has been appearing and developing. Aim of our research was to detect if there is any impact of organic farming on small terrestrial mammals such as has been found in other soil, plant and fauna. Nine localities, at which organic agriculture was practised, were studied and two localities were used as control samples. The research sites were located in the west of Slovakia and in Eastern Iberian Peninsula. They represent a typical Continental and Mediterranean areas. Forty-six individuals of seven species (Apodemus sylvaticus, Mus musculus, Mus spicilegus, Mus spretus, Rattus sp., Crocidura russula, Crocidura suaveolens) were recorded. The highest abundance was recorded at hedgerows in biodynamic vineyards and the most species at an ecotone of biodynamic vineyard and forest. At cultivated sites, we documented the highest number of species at biodynamic vineyard and biologically managed vineyard. The observed species show affiliation to different types of habitat which indicates the need of landscape heterogeneity to maintain diversity. The results signify the obligation to pay more attention to different types of organic farming, identify particular benefits and embrace the most suitable of them.

Keywords: small terrestrial mammals, organic farming, abundance, species richness


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