Grass intake and meat oxidative status of geese reared in three different agroforestry systems

Alice Cartoni Mancinelli, Simona Matiolli, Alessandro Dal Bosco, Claudia Ciarelli, Cesare Castellini


The agroforestry system could be considered a dynamic management of the natural resource based on the integration of trees with crops or livestock. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the grass intake and the oxidative status of meat of geese reared in three different agroforestry systems: apple orchard (AO), olives trees (OT) and vineyard (V). Eighty one-day old Romagnola geese of both sexes were divided in four homogeneous groups: control (C), with indoor density of 5 geese/m2 and without pasture access, and the three agroforestry systems (AO, OT, V), with 1 hectare of pasture each. The geese were reared inside a poultry house until 20 days of age. At 21 days of age the animals belonging to AO, OT and V were allowed to outdoor access (pasture), whereas geese of the C group were kept indoor. At 150 days of age, the geese were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. After 24 h of storage at +4°C the breast and drumstick muscles were analysed to determine the fatty acid profile, the antioxidants content and the oxidative status. All the data were statistically analysed with ANOVA. The results showed that the grazing activity of geese improved the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids content, the n-6/n-3 ratio and the antioxidant content, especially in geese kept in the agroforestry systems enriched with trees (AO and OT). Indeed, the presence of trees make animals feel protected and stimulated them to explore the pasture and consequently to consume more grass. However, the best oxidative status was exhibited by the C geese. In the other groups the higher antioxidants intake through grass was not able to counteract the higher oxidative thrust and consequently, the meat of outdoor reared geese was characterized by a worst oxidative status. Further research is needed to identify new possible strategies to increase the antioxidant content in the muscle in order to reduce the lipid oxidation.

Keywords: geese, agroforestry system, PUFA, oxidative status


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