Use of system fleckscore in the evaluation of body conformation in Slovak Spotted dairy cows

Peter Strapák, Eva Strapáková, Peter Juhás


Received: 2016-05-18 | Accepted: 2016-05-25 | Available online: 2016-12-22

Paper is focused to use of the Fleckscore system for evaluation of main body conformation traits – body frame, musculature, feet
& legs and udder in the Slovak Spotted dairy cows in the first lactations (n = 15,779), in the second lactations (n = 2,138) and in
the group of older ones in the third and other lactations (n = 3,694). The score for the main trait body frame have been calculated
by the Fleckscore system from the recorded data. The dairy cows in the first lactations reached average level 76.54 points of body
frame score, 78.8 points in the second lactations and 72.75 points reached the older dairy cows in the third and others lactations.
Based on the results can be stated the Slovak Spotted dairy cows in the first lactations but particularly in the second and the third
lactations had smaller body frame in comparison with dairy cows of Simmental breed in the first lactations in European countries.
It was found increasing the feet & legs conformation average score from 80.25 in the first lactation to 81.02 in older dairy cows in
the third and others lactations. The trait udder average score was 80.09 points for cows in the first lactations, 80.31 points in the
second and 79.8 points in older cows, by Fleckscore system calculation. The results showed better udder conformation in younger
cows of the Slovak Spotted breed, in the first and second lactations, than older dairy cows.
Keywords: dairy cows, Slovak Spotted breed, body conformation, Fleckscore

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